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An Introduction to Polyfills in JavaScript

JavaScript is a dynamic and constantly evolving language, with new features and functionalities regularly introduced to advance web development. These additions are standardized through a process overseen by the ECMAScript committee (TC39). However, browsers do not always implement these new features immediately. The integration process is complex, involving several stages of development, testing, and standardization.

Although this delay can be frustrating for developers eager to use the latest features, this meticulous approach ensures that the web remains stable, secure, and performant for users. This is where polyfills come in as heroes, bridging the gap between cutting-edge JavaScript and legacy browser environments. Polyfills are JavaScript code snippets or libraries that provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not natively support it. They essentially "fill in" the gaps, allowing developers to use newer features without worrying about browser compatibility issues.

Why Use Polyfills?

There are several reasons why polyfills are essential for modern web development:

  • Future-Proofing: By incorporating polyfills for features you plan to use, your code remains functional even as browsers slowly catch up.
  • Wider Audience Reach: You don't want to exclude users with older browsers. Polyfills ensure a consistent user experience across different browsing environments.
  • Maintaining Legacy Code: If you're working on an existing codebase that uses features not supported by all browsers, polyfills can help maintain compatibility without major rewrites.

Creating Your Own Polyfill:

Let's see how to create a polyfill for the method, a common function for iterating over arrays and creating a new array with transformed elements. Here's the polyfill code:

if (! { = function (callback) {
    const newArray = []
    for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      newArray.push(callback(this[i], i, this))
    return newArray
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const doubledNumbers = => number * 2)
console.log(doubledNumbers) // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

This polyfill checks if the map method exists on the Array.prototype. If not, it defines a custom implementation that iterates through the original array, calls the provided callback function for each element, and pushes the transformed value into a new array.

Creating a Random Polyfill: Array.random

For a more random example, let's create a polyfill for the Array.random() method, which would randomly select an element from an array. Here's the polyfill:

if (!Array.prototype.random) {
  Array.prototype.random = function () {
    if (this.length === 0) {
      return undefined // Handle empty array case
    return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)]
const colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'purple']
const randomColor = colors.random()
console.log(randomColor) // Output: Will be a random color from the array

This polyfill directly adds the random method to the Array.prototype. The logic remains the same - it checks for an empty array and returns undefined if so. Otherwise, it utilizes Math.random() to generate a random index and returns the corresponding element from the array.

While creating custom polyfills can be educational, in production environments it's often more efficient and reliable to use established polyfill libraries. Here are some of the most popular options:

  • core-js:

    • Comprehensive Polyfill Library: core-js offers a vast array of polyfills for ECMAScript features (including modern and proposed additions), web standards, and popular libraries.
    • Granular Control: Developers can import specific features on a per-need basis, optimizing bundle size for their application.
    • Ideal Use Case: Projects requiring extensive compatibility with older browsers while utilizing modern JavaScript functionalities.
  • es6-shim:

    • Focused Polyfill Solution: Designed specifically to provide compatibility shims for ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) features.
    • Lightweight Footprint: Compared to core-js, es6-shim offers a more streamlined solution for projects primarily targeting ES6 functionality.
    • Suitable Applications: Projects that don't require polyfills for features beyond ES6 can benefit from es6-shim's smaller bundle size.

    • Feature Detection and Polyfill Delivery: This service dynamically delivers polyfills based on the user's browser environment. It identifies necessary polyfills and transmits only those, minimizing code sent to modern browsers.
    • Reduced Bundle Size: This approach significantly reduces the overall bundle size of the application.
    • Ideal Scenario: Projects with specific browser targeting needs can leverage for a lightweight solution.


With polyfills, you can confidently use the latest JavaScript features, knowing that your application will work reliably for all users, regardless of their browser. This not only improves the reach and usability of your application but also streamlines the development process, allowing for faster and more efficient coding.

While polyfills are valuable for compatibility, they can sometimes be slower than native implementations. It's crucial to weigh the benefits against the potential performance overhead. Consider using feature detection libraries or build tools that can automatically include necessary polyfills based on your target browsers. By understanding polyfills and how to create them, you can ensure your JavaScript code reaches a wider audience and functions seamlessly across different browsers.


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